Nugkui Peru

Nugkui Peru

Regular price $19.95

Country: Peru

Department: Cajamarca

Canton: San Ignacio and Jaen

Elevation: 1700-1950masl

Varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Caturra, Tabi

Processing: Washed

In the Awayu language, Nugkui means valuable woman. The name of this coffee honors the strong and admirable women who were part of the Pakamu- ros culture, located along the mountains that today make up the provinces of Jaen and San Ignacio. Today, some of these women dedicate their lives to farming, growing, and producing amazing coffee to sustain their families. We are proud to say that Nugkui coffee is a community blend that represents and showcases coffee produced by these female coffee growers. These women are absolutely committed, not only to striving and continuing to produce amazing coffee but also to doing it in a very sustainable way, always taking care of the environment.

Their farms are located in a region where the different height levels allow them to have a diversity of microclimates. The natural reserves that surround their farms help them protect this diversity and the environment.

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